Street Literature

Want to see YOUR Self-Published book on a dedicated LIBRARY shelf? As some of you may know, when I’m not writing and being generally awesome (shhh), I’m a library worker. As a part of my library’s new summer programs, we’re trying to establish a section solely for Street Literature, which basically means self-published and unvetted …

House of Örn

Lo, it is I... and boy, has it been a while. :: stretches and leans back in a Victorian chair with a pipe and a snifter of brandy and straightens a silk red robe with black lapels:: Holy jalapeños have things been crazy in Lithium Fiction land, so sit back with me, my loyal LiFi …

(professional) Habits of an (amateur) Writer: An Accidentally Two Part Series

This started out being a single post, but half way through it I realized I’m a pompous windbag, so it became a two part series. Hurray! Shut up. Everyone likes a list, right? I know I do, especially when it says what it is about right in the title. What I don’t much care for …